Peyzaj Mimarlığı (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2011-2012 Güz Dönemi ile 2015-2016 Güz Dönemi Arası

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
EUT 354EEmotional Design33004
EUT 356EColor in Design32204
EUT 448EVisual Design33004
ICM 360ESocial Transform.,Gender&Space33004
ICM 362EUrban Interiors33004
ICM 364EResidential Interior Design33004
MIM 252ETheories of Architectural Dsgn33004
MIM 345EArchitectural Theory and Moder33004
MIM the History of Architec33004
MIM 372EUtl.ofConcrete Arch33004
MIM 374EArch.Draw.Stand.& Tech.Specif.33004
MIM 377ECities and Architecture33004
MIM 382EMod.&Contemp.Arch.intheBalkans33004
MIM 412EGarden Des. in History&Arch.33004
MIM 418EDesign & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.32204
MIM 420ELogic and Theory of Design33004
MIM 442EDet.Dsgn.Meth.ofContemp.Arch.33004
MIM 466EArchitecture and Its Effects33004
MIM 468EArc.Visualizat.Virtual Reality32204
MIM 480EThe Changing Workplace33004
PEM 320EComp.Aided Landscape Architec.33004
PEM 330EInfrastructure Planning&Dev.33004
PEM 410ELandscape and Art33004
PEM 415EEnvironmental Aesthetics33004
PEM 425ELand Resource Inf.Systems33004
SBP 354EUrban Geography&Inequalities33004
SBP 358EReal Estate Economics33004