Yapay Zeka ve Veri Müh (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 Güz Dönemi Sonrası
MT Elective I

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
BLG 312EComputer Operating Systems33005
BLG 411ESoftware Engineering33008
YZV 415EDeep Reinforcement Learning33005
YZV 425EArt of Eng. for Inf.Syst.33005
YZV 435ECloud Computing33005
YZV 445EAI Project33005
YZV 447ECognitive Neuroscience32205
YZV 455EData Engineering Project33005
YZV 465EDigital & Agile Transformation33005
YZV 475EData Visualization33005
YZV 485EInformation Retrieval33005
YZV 495ESpeech and Audio Processing33005