Endüstri Müh. Ders Planı

2009-2010/ Güz ile 2017-2018 / Güz Dönemleri Arası
Seçmeli Dal Dersi-Bahar (MT)


Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
ECN 410EEnergy Economics33005.5
END 316Grup Tekno & Esnek Üretim Sist33004
END 318Sistem Dinamiği33004
END 339Proje Yönetimi33004
END 342EKnowledge Based Systems33004
END 434Stratejik Yönetimin Temelleri33004
END 446İstatistiksel Deney Tasarımı33004
END 448EIntr. to Stochastic Modell.33004
END 454EEnergy Markets & Optimization33004
END 457Sezgisel Optimizasyon33004
END 472EAdvanced Spreadsheet Modeling33004
END 473EPricing and Revenue Management33004
END 474ESupply Chain Analytics33004
END 476EMachine Learning for Ind. Sys.33004
END 478EApplied Optimization Models33004
END 482ESupply Chain Management33004
END 486EThe New Era of Management33004
END 488EERP Processes and Installation33004
ISL 224Maliyet Muhasebesi33006
ISL 452EFinancial Inst.&Portfolio Mng.33004
ISL 460E-Pazarlama33004
ISL 465EInt.to Entrepreneurship&Innov.33004
KON 322EIndustrial Automated Systems33004.5
KON 324ESensors&Transducers in Contr.33006