İç Mimarlık Ders Planı

2003 - 2004 Güz Dönemi ile 2011-2012 Güz Dönemi Arası
7.yy Elective Course(MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.
EUT 449E20th Cen.Vis.Arts:Con.Dev. in3300
ICM 301ELighting Design For Int.Spaces3220
ICM 317EEnvironmental Psychology3300
ICM 333EDesign Culture3300
ICM 340EDgtl Repres.Tech.for Intr.Dsng3220
ICM 352EExhibition Design3300
ICM 356ESustainability In Int. Arch.3300
ICM 451EMtrl.&Fnshn In Furniture Dsgn3220
ICM 453EBuilding Biology And Ecology3300
ICM 459ESo-Clt Lf&Spc In The Ottm.Emp.3300
MIM 315EAcoustical Problms in Archtctr3300
MIM 320ERoof Systems3300
MIM 325EAcoustical Design of Halls3300
MIM 330EVertical Circulation Systems3300
MIM 340ECatering Design3300
MIM 377ECities and Architecture3300
MIM 415EHousing Dsg Phil of Contm Arch3300
MIM 422ECity Form and Architecture3300
MIM 425EArchitecture Today3300
MIM 435EMdrn Cncpts of Archtctrl Consv3300
PEM 431EExperim.Studies on Place&Desg3300