Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
KIM 102EL General Chemistry II Laboratory English Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
1 1.5 0 0 2
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites KIM 101 MIN DD
or KIM 101E MIN DD
Class Restriction None
Course Description
1. Acids, bases, and their salts 2. Preparing buffers and buffer capacity 3. Determınation of a solubility product constant 4. Synthesis and features of soap 5. Analysis of the cations ın the group I or the “chloride group” (Ag+, Pb+2, Hg22+) 6. Group II: the hydrogen sulfide group 7. Group III: the ammonium sulfide group 8. Group IV cations 9. The identification reactions of common anions and their salts 10. Preparatıon of [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 – linkage isomerism