Kontrol ve Otomasyon Müh (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 / Güz Dönemi Sonrası
8th Sems.Elect. Course II (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
EHB 419EDigital System Design33006
EHB 428EIndustrial Electronics33006
EHB 433EDigital Filters and Systems33006
EHB 437EBiomedical Devices33006
EHB 472EImage Processing Fundamentals33006
EHB 474EIntroduction to Optimization33006
EHB 475EDigital Speech Processing33006
ELK 428EElectric and Hybrid Vehicles33006
ELK 472ERenewable Energy Systems33006
KON 421Robot Kontrolü33006
KON 424EMod.&Cntrl of Biological Sys.33006
KON 426EIntelligent Control Systems33006
KON 429EAutonom ous Vehicles33006