Ders Bilgileri

Ders Kodu:
Ders Numarası:
Kod Ders Adı Dili Türü
MET 248E Kütle ve Enerji Dengesi İngilizce Zorunlu
Kredi AKTS Ders Uygulama Laboratuvar
2 4 2 0 0
Dersin Önşartı ve Sınıf Kısıtı
Ders Önşartı MET 215E MIN DD
veya MET 215 MIN DD
Sınıf Kısıtı Yok
Ders Tanımı
Dimensions, System of Units and Conversion Factors; molar units, density, concentration. Stoichiometry; atomic and molecular mass, chemical equations, excess and limiting reactants, oxidation and reduction. Sampling and Measurements Procedures; description of error, precision, accuracy and repeatability, measurement of weight, pressure, flow rate, etc. Material Balances; conservation of mass, mass balance analyses, systems with or without chemical reaction, recycling & by-pass circuits, Energy Balances; heat balance, electrometallurgical and electrothermic energy balances, staged heat balances, simultaneous material and energy balances, process analysis. Examples of materials and energy balances for metallurgical reactors.