Peyzaj Mimarlığı (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 / Güz Dönemi Sonrası
7thSmstr.ElectiveCourse (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
ENT 354EEmotional Design21204
ENT 356EColor in Design21204
ENT 361EContemporary Issues in Design21204
ENT 365EFund. of Design Thinking21204
ENT 371EBio-inspired Design21204
ENT 429ESustainable Product Design21204
GSB 313EDrawing in Architecture33004
GSB 323EPhotography and Architecture33004
GSB 333EImrovized Play and Actıng33004
GSB 343EVisual Analysis33004
GSB Dig.Img.with Phtshp5.53300
GSB 363ECeramic Applications in Archi.33004
ICM 4013EEnvironmental Psychology22004
ICM 4025EHealth and Design22004
MIM 4010ETheories of Architectural Dsgn21204
MIM 4013EArchitecture and Its Effects22004
MIM 4014EDesign with Natural Aspects22004
MIM 4048EArchit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.22004
MIM 4051EUtl.ofConcrete Arch22004
MIM 4052ECities and Architecture21204
MIM 4056EDesign & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.21204
MIM 4057ELogic and Theory of Design22004
MIM 4058EArchitecture After 196022004
MIM 4059EArchitecture Today22004
MIM 4061EDesg.Draw.:Pract.&Concep.Appr.22004
MIM 4067EDet.Dsgn.Meth.ofContemp.Arch.21204
MIM 4072EArchitecture,Cities and Cinema22004
PEM 4012EAdv.Rendering Tech.inLands.21204
PEM Plan.&Design22004
PEM 4015EExperim.Studies on Place&Desg22004
PEM 4016EInfrastructure Planning&Dev.22004
PEM 4019ESocial Asspect of Landsc.Arch.22004
PEM 4020ETopics in Landscape Urbanism22004
PEM 4021EUrban Design & Preservation22004
PEM 4022EUrban Furniture and Space22004
PEM 4023EUrban Visual Analysis22004
SBP 4014ECreative Cities21204
SBP 4017EUniv.Dsgn.for Urban Environm.21204
SBP 4026EHealthy Cities21204
SBP 4027ELarge Scale Urban Projects22004
SBP 4029EOther Worlds22004
SBP 4031EReal Estate Economics22004
SBP 4032ERole of Sustainability22004
SBP 4033ERural Settlements and Problems22004
SBP 4039EUrban Geography&Inequalities22004