Elektronik ve Haber. Müh (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 / Güz Dönemi Sonrası
8th Sem.Elect.Course I (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
EHB 326EIntr.to Embedded Systems33006
EHB 328EMachine Learning for Sig.Proc.33006
EHB 334ERandom Signals and Noise33006
EHB 354EObject Oriented Programming33006
EHB 405EAnalog Integrated Circuits33006
EHB 408EWireless Com.Networks33006
EHB 413EVLSI Circuit Design I33006
EHB 415EData Communications33006
EHB 417ERF Microelectronics33006
EHB 418ERF Electronics Applications32026
EHB 419EDigital System Design33006
EHB 420EArtificial Neural Networks33006
EHB 421EIntr. to Medical Electronics33006
EHB 422EThe Orgn &Snsing M.of Bio.Sig.33006
EHB 424EUltrasaund and App.in Medicine33006
EHB 425EVLSI Circuit Design II33006
EHB 426EMicroelectr.Analog Syst.Design33006
EHB 427EMicroelectronics Technology33006
EHB 428EIndustrial Electronics33006
EHB 429ECommunic.Elect.Circuits33006
EHB 431EDesign & Appl.Digital Com.Sys.32026
EHB 433EDigital Filters and Systems33006
EHB 436EDigital System Design Applic.32026
EHB 437EBiomedical Devices33006
EHB 442ESemiconductor Devices33006
EHB 445EMedical Instr.,Design and App.32026
EHB 451EActive Microwave Circuits33006
EHB 453EIntr.to Mobile Communications33006
EHB 455EMicrocontroller Based Sys.Des.33006
EHB 456EAntennas33006
EHB 458EMicrwv Measurement Meth.& App.32026
EHB 461ECommunication Tech. and Syst.33006
EHB 464ESatellite Communications33006
EHB 465EFiberoptic Com. Systems33006
EHB 466ERemote Sensing33006
EHB 467ERadar Systems33006
EHB 468EPrinc of Elec.Compt.Measurmnts33006
EHB 472EImage Processing Fundamentals33006
EHB 473EMicrowave and RF Communication33006
EHB 474EIntroduction to Optimization33006
EHB 475EDigital Speech Processing33006
EHB 477EFundm.of Electrmgn.Compt.33006
EHB 481EDes.&Applic.of Basic Comm.Sys.32026